How to make money on whatsapp | Earn money at home

How to make money From whatsapp

Today I am going to tell you about how to make money on WhatsApp. This article is going to be useful for those people who have no skill, who want to earn money with WhatsApp at home.

Making money from the Internet is very easy. you can earn money in many ways sitting at home. But the way I am going to tell you today, It does not need any technical skills, no need to talk anyone, no need to following, anyone can do this.

Two easy ways to earn money on WhatsApp

1.Affiliate marketing (click bank)
2.Shorter site (

How to make money with clickbank

Clickbank is an easy way to earn money from WhatsApp. It is an affiliate network site. You have to go to the Clickbank site and create an account there.

After creating an account, you have to go to its marketplace, after that you will see many niche, you have to select the niche product that you can sell.This is a good way in which you get commission on selling the product, for this you do not need any technical skills nor talk to anyone.

You have to copy the link of the product and send it to people on WhatsApp. Whenever someone buys that product you will get its commission. If you are from Nigeria bangladesh or some various of the African countries, Clickbank will not accept you.

If you are from these countries and want to do affiliate marketing, then you have to go to digistore24 site and create an account there. Digistore24 is a affiliate site like clickbank. Digistore24 accepts all people you’re from any country than you can.

After creating an account on clikbank or digistore24, you have to go to and make shorten link of products there.

What is bitly

Bitly is a link shortener site. Bitly shortens any large links and is a link management platform. Where you can see how many people clicked on your shared link. According to Wikipedia, bit-ly is a very trustworthy link shortener site.

Why people uses bitly

When you share a link on social media, people do not click on the big link, they consider it froud, they consider spam. So people share the link by shortening it with Bitly.

How to make short link on bitly

You have to go to and then click on Signup to sign up. After sign up you have to login to Bitly. To make shorten the link on bitly, you have to click on creat and paste the link of the product of clickbank and make the short.

Now you have to share this short link on WhatsApp, if you do not have much WhatsApp contact, then you have to join the group. You can find more products that you can sell at Clickbank. Clickbank’s marketplace gives you lots of products that you can earn a lot of money from.

How to make Money on whatsapp from Shortner site (

How you can make money without people even purchasing from your link on whatsapp. For this you have to go adfly. Adfly is a shortlink site like bitly. But you get to see the ad on this site, even on this, any link gets short and earns from that shortlink.In this, it does not matter how many people have bought, rather clicking on a link generates earning.

First of all you have to go to the Adfly website and create an account there. After creating an account, you have to paste the link of viral photo, video, news on the adfly and make short.

After that you have to share that link to the people on WhatsApp. If you do not have much WhatsApp contact, you can download the WhatsApp group app from the play store and can easily share the shortlink by joining the WhatsApp group.

Now all the people who click on that short link you will earn. When you share that shortlink in the WhatsApp group, then you will have to write some attractive text along with the shortlink.

If you share the direct link, more people won’t click on it. So you’ll also have to write some attractive text with it that more people click.

How will withdraw on adfly

There are two ways you can withdraw money from the adfly.
2.payneer(bank transfer)

I hope you understand that how to make money on whatsapp.

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